Saturday, August 30, 2008

Much Too Much

I miss Css much too much, love my friends there much too much. It's true. I don't know why there was a phase when i didn't like css. As the song goes, "you dun miss your water till the well runs dry" So true for me. I can't believe why i dread to go to school before in my secondary school days. Natural human reaction to no appreciate i guess.

I guess secondary school is where you'll meet your life long friends, because for me, you just meet the same old same old types of people in junior colleges.

True enough, JC has nice people, and I'm lucky to have met really great people there as well. but seriously, there's a certain line that you can't afford to cross when you're with them. Like when I'm with secondary school friends, we can just go crazy at any spot in Singapore and i won't give a hoot about being embarrassed and I'm free to express my true thoughts without fear of provoking people.

But in Jc, it's really a whole new different ball game. You have to morph into some sort of cheetah and be on your toes all the time. You'll have to watch what you say, who you say anything to, your actions, your image, the way you present yourself. Why? Becauseyou can't afford to be isolated in a college.

If you dislike someone, Don't say it unless it's a well known fact, if you're being dislike or feel that you are starting to draw a whole new kind of attention, it's game over. Either you suffer your next 2 years there under constant scrutiny, or you waste your 2 years there trying to find a resurrection button to push, to get back into the social circle.

Bottom line is, if you're lucky, you'll meet great friends but sadly most of the time, it's superficial.

Yesterday was the day I've been waiting for for the past month, because i can finally meet my friends, collect my testimonial and of course, get the hell out of my stressful workload in school. On this day, i can take a trip down memory lane, catch up, talk cock, lots of hugs and kisses, escape from reality.

here's some photos to recap those fond memories!!!

I love them all!!!!My bestees!!! ARH!!!!Miss Mrs Anba like crap. I'm multi-racial. hehe

4/3 class of 2008 Peeps!!! Woots!!! Eh? Fatin din look at my camera!!!

Srija and Priscy! Extras!! hahahaha just realized

Srija and Shi qi. SA peeps

Malcolm in the middle and Fatin. Acting real cool.

My Movie buff brother, Stanley!!! Thanks for making me feel so vertically challenged. Miss ya like hell, must go movie and dragon boating some day. hehe. I will out-row ya!!!

Thanks Malcolm for not doing the same. hehe
Tights shorts though, look like my cousin now. Sassy!

My study buddy cum fish and co buddy cum my very very good friend, Perry!!!!! Miss ya man, need to go out soon.

Aiya, seriously man, we know each other for how long liao? 20 gazillion years? Still miss ya like crap hahaz.

After we left school, we went for budget makan, then to budget renting of movies, We had one hell of a time choosing one. It's either too serious, too crappy or someone has already watched it.

Initially, we tried the " once you see an interesting title, just take". Of course, it failed miserably as we ended up with 10 odd titles, much too much for our limited time. So the elimination method came in, we got rid of several choices explicit, violent, serious, bimbotic shows.And we all ended up with sisterhood of travelling pants. i didn't approve as i felt that it didn't deserve a second watch.

After much fussing around. we settled with "serendipity" which means " fortunate accident. We went to Srija's place, watched it, hang a little, played a little, talk like hell, then bid each other goodbye.

Argh! i wish for commonwealth jc for us to all go to. Miss you guys already.

It's hurting much too much.

Cause if one day you wake up and find that you're missing me

And your heart starts to wonder where on this earth i could be

Thinking maybe you'll come back here to the place that we meet

You'll see me waiting for you at the corner of the street

Coz i'm not moving... I'm not moving

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