Monday, March 3, 2008


I rmb my first day in jj. It wasn't the most wonderful impression.I thought"What an overly "high" school!" actually thought it was too "nutty" for me. That first impression wasn't a good one indeed.
Subsequently, during the first orientation camp and all that. It was due to my initial impression of jj that i din exactly enjoyed it fully. One more thing to add, at that point of time, during jj night for O1, i didn't know many ppl, it was just me and a former classmate. talk about orientation!

Then When school started for the first intakers, i started to meet really great ppl. Most of them are from rv, and they are just one bunch of really funky, wacky, quirky and hilarious ppl. I Started to like jj, they made me join the "pon stars" club and we"re all labelled as A grade ponstars!!! Now this may sound rather rebelious and defient to many but it's kinda like the custom for the the first intakers to pon lessons. and seriously, i dun regret every moment as i dun take those subjects i missed out during first 2 mths!!!(LUCKY ME)

And to come to think of it, i really started to like jj because of this bunch of ppl. They are the ones who would really make my day man!!! Although now some of them have left for better colleges, they will still nevertheless find time to come back to play Bball with us!!! They kinda made me forget that i was sad about not getting into anderson with their uber funny remarks about stuff.

So ya jj only rocks coz u guys are around!!!!

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