Saturday, May 17, 2008

Second entry hahah finally

hmmm..... it's been a while since i blog. i guess i really don't have the habit to blog sometimes. Everytime i reach home the first intial thought would be to just fall back on my not so comfy bed and sleep!So gradually, i start not to blog so much. however, i had some free time yesterday(LONG WEEKEND), so i read some of my friends blogs and i must say, when u start to read blogs which induces serious havoc laughter, the urge to blog just come running to you.So have i am writing a blog entry alas!
So..... What happended during the week???
Oh ya! I watched Made of Honor and seriously Seriously! Patrick Demspey is just uber charming!!! I think only grey's fans understand because there are seriously not many grey's fan's out there and so many of my friends think he's the wrong guy for the show. Haiz i guess it's more of taiwan idol dramas instead. Conclusion, singapore is seriously GREY'S deprived!!!
Arh.... here comes the sad part, i had 2 tests during the weeks. Seriously think i'm gonna flung them both. I drew a circle for my first question but i didn't have TIME to label anything. So i handed in my paper with the first answer looking like some kind of mutated orange. Shit.
Then econs came, couldn't finish the paper in time and i really feel that it was the lack of practice which cuase most of us to not be able to finish in time. Stupid econs teacher, he needs a significant change in his methods of teaching or else our results will never experience a more than proportional change.
BUT, it's a long weekend and i've decided to put those shitty tests behind me. So i've added songs to my playlists! Not very current but they are songs i like. I guess when u listen to too much music for too damn long, u just start not to like the trendy songs anymore. And i've added sth from grey's as well!!! Wohoo!! finally found something bout grey's to put into my blog.

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