Saturday, May 24, 2008

Indiana Jones, hmmmm

I watched Indiana Jones a few days ago with my family and i feel that show is a little overrated, probably because I've not watched the previous shows before. The show just awfully boring during the first half hour, and the whole show has a totally predictable plot! When i came out of the theatre, i only had these 3 Comments in my head,

1)Is Steven Spielberg's trying to bring back ET?
2) There's practically 20 scenes where the guys should die but he didn't! [especially the nuclear reaction scene ]
3) He will never loses his hat!

Well i guess the director wanted ensure that the show still remains authentic and retain the usual plot but i think when shia lebrouf takes over for the next movie, the show may take another whole new perspective.

Tuesday, May 20, 2008


Seriously!!! My blog's key word today,"Seriously"
First topic. My hair. Just when i thought i have finally solve the "brown" problem., the "black " problem steps in. I think everyone I've met or even have a locus distance of 0.5 m have commented about my exceptionally "BLACK" hair. Seriously!!!
But.... I'm gonna be optimistic and hope that my hair will eventually turn to a more acceptable shade of black soon. SOBZ...

Played a inter-class basketball game today, and seriously, we had fun! We were threading behind a little at half time. The guys asked if anyone of us wanted to play, all of us raised our hands and it turned out to be 5 girls Vs 5 guys!!! Talk about imbalanced!
Naturally the guys were stunned and were rather hesitant to play rough with us. We remained in this "imbalaned" state for about 5 mins accompanied by continual laughter from the crowd. Although we still lost in the end, we had a blast!
And who would have known that a sincere thought by the class boys to let the girls have a chance to play would turn into a wonderful basketball tactic?

i just watched the newest episode of gossip girl just now, and i must say. the plot thickens...... Just when i want to give up watching, a new twist came up right the end of the episode. but nothing beats Grey's!!! hehe

Saturday, May 17, 2008

Second entry hahah finally

hmmm..... it's been a while since i blog. i guess i really don't have the habit to blog sometimes. Everytime i reach home the first intial thought would be to just fall back on my not so comfy bed and sleep!So gradually, i start not to blog so much. however, i had some free time yesterday(LONG WEEKEND), so i read some of my friends blogs and i must say, when u start to read blogs which induces serious havoc laughter, the urge to blog just come running to you.So have i am writing a blog entry alas!
So..... What happended during the week???
Oh ya! I watched Made of Honor and seriously Seriously! Patrick Demspey is just uber charming!!! I think only grey's fans understand because there are seriously not many grey's fan's out there and so many of my friends think he's the wrong guy for the show. Haiz i guess it's more of taiwan idol dramas instead. Conclusion, singapore is seriously GREY'S deprived!!!
Arh.... here comes the sad part, i had 2 tests during the weeks. Seriously think i'm gonna flung them both. I drew a circle for my first question but i didn't have TIME to label anything. So i handed in my paper with the first answer looking like some kind of mutated orange. Shit.
Then econs came, couldn't finish the paper in time and i really feel that it was the lack of practice which cuase most of us to not be able to finish in time. Stupid econs teacher, he needs a significant change in his methods of teaching or else our results will never experience a more than proportional change.
BUT, it's a long weekend and i've decided to put those shitty tests behind me. So i've added songs to my playlists! Not very current but they are songs i like. I guess when u listen to too much music for too damn long, u just start not to like the trendy songs anymore. And i've added sth from grey's as well!!! Wohoo!! finally found something bout grey's to put into my blog.